I Think I Recall?
by Rasheed Ferguson 30/05/06
Momentary thoughts of diversion, instils the complexity of a creative mind.
Clock hands turn and work together to kill time.
Stop, no, continue, no.Somewhere in between is where I lie.
It’s been awhile now since I’ve tasted the eloquence of the fruit of my hand.
Even longer since I remembered what its taste was like.
Like it, leave it or love it?
When my prodigal clock gazes back into these opened lids,
Balance perhaps will consider ending its strike.
Seven days, everyday, six days of festivity.
I’ll be the giver, cheerfully….. always, but close to never.
How ironic it is to enlarge your marquee & to stretch out your tent pegs.
Only to one day look back and realize nothing was secured…
…you moved… but never moved!
Your enormous giving heart weighed down your paralyzed yet ever running legs…