Why Start now?
Monologue by
Yes, that’s me at this present moment in time.
Drained, bruised & some what bitter.
I’m not entirely sure, but something is pulling.
It’s pulling hard & it won’t stop at anything.
Just when I’m about to come up for a breath of air,
It’s there with its machine that sucks the energy right out
Of anybody with a willingness to make something
Out of their life.
“It happens to the best of them”, they say.
Who are “they” anyway? & why is this happening to me?
I definitely don’t feel like “the best”.
My mind is always adrift, my body unfit, my emotions unstable,
My character flawed & my focus continually shifting.
Irritated & deeply frustrated I attempt daily to make sense
Of this thing called life.
Its ups, downs, turns, spirals, kind of like a roller coaster.
But then, the question still remains why it’s not as much fun.
Maybe it’s not supposed to be?
Maybe through what seems to be an endless ride,
The muscles that form as I hold on for dear life,
End up being the very same muscles I’ll need for when
This crazy ride actually comes to an end.
It doesn’t get any easier does it?
It always amazes me, how much we can actually handle
When we make the decision to take things head on!
I suppose it always comes down to the same two choices every time.
Do I fold? Or do I go another round & hope to get lucky?
At the end of the day though,
Luck really has nothing to do with it.
Faith however, has everything to do with it.
I’ve never been given any reason to doubt have I?
Why start now?
I guess I’ll just face my head down once again &
Charge into the winds of adversity, hoping to one day,
Look back & realise my life has created a slip stream for others.
To reach their fullness in faith, hope & perseverance.
Hebrew 11:1
“1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”.